Monday, February 28, 2011

6 Months Old

I cannot believe that my little Baby Brynn is 6 months old.  She is growing up too fast.  At this point I would do anything to freeze time and just enjoy her at this age.  It is odd to think a year ago we were just informing people that I was pregnant and now she rolling all over the place and eating solid food.  At some point in the not too distant future I am going to have to come to terms with the fact that she is not going to be my Baby Brynn for much longer.  Or at least I won’t be able to call her that openly as she will always be my one and only Baby Brynn.

She loves:
·         Being outside
·         Puppy dogs
·         Her bounce bounce
·         Her feet
·         Being tickled
She is working on:
·         Getting teeth
·         Liking fruits
·         Sitting up
Happy Birthday Baby Brynn!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chit Chat

Brynn’s new favorite past time is listening to herself talk.  She has been making sounds for awhile but now the sounds have developed into Brynn's own special language.  It sometimes seems as if she is holding a conversation with herself.  The best is when she starts talking to herself and she makes herself laugh and can’t stop.  Or when she wakes up in the middle of the night and talks herself back to sleep.  Oh to be baby again. 
All of this chit chatting has broken my heart though.  Brynn said her first word over the weekend and it was not Ma-Ma!  I did not believe it at first, but Brynn now says Da-Da and Dad loud and clear.  The good thing is that she says Da-Da to both me and Cam so I am holding out hope that when she says Ma-Ma for the first time she will understand who she is calling Ma-Ma.
Below are some pictures of Brynn chit chatting with herself.      
I love to make myself laugh.

Is anyone listening?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Brynn is too cute
I had to share pics with you. 

Happy Valentine's Day

Who wants a hug?

I love you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Daddy Time

Everyday Cameron and Brynn disappear for a few minutes and return to me asking a million questions about where they were and what they have been up to.  The response I always get is “Don’t worry about it.  We were having daddy time.”  I have come to find out that daddy time includes everything from reading stories, playing with water in the sink, belly laughing, and making faces in the mirror.  Cameron and Brynn have such an amazing relationship and she lights up every time he enters the room.  Who couldn’t love the curly haired, goofy, tender-hearted man that leans into the backseat to hold his daughters hand everyday as he drives her to daycare.