Saturday, May 28, 2011

9 Months Old

Little miss Brynn is getting so tall.  She goes through PJs like most people go through a gallon of milk.  PJs I purchased for her a few weeks ago no longer fit.  Her PJs were so small the other night that not only did the snap pop open, but the entire snap flew off as Brynn tried to straighten her legs.  I now need to grab the scissors before I get Brynn ready for bed just in case I need to cut the feet off. 

She loves:
·         Mum Mums and Puffs
·         Ladybug book
·         Playing peek a boo
·         Watermelon
·         To High Five
Having fun with Aunt Heidi.

She is working on:  
·         Getting her two front teeth
·         Pulling herself up to sit
 I love watermelon!

More please.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Time with Grandma

Grandma Woodward came to visit for two whole weeks over Easter.  Daycare was closed, so we got to spend lots of time together.  We had a great time.  We read lots of books, went for walks, laughed, and cleaned the house.  She is awesome and lets me try all sorts of new foods.  Whatever she is eating- I am eating.  Below is a picture of Grandma sharing her favorite food….TOAST.        

The only bummer was that I was still recovering from an ear infection while she was here.  I felt bad - I always get sick while Grandma is visiting.  The good thing is that she always knows what to do and knows how to make me feel better.  Thanks Grandma!!

 Love you!

Miss you!

Super Dad

Cameron was Super Dad this past week.  I had to travel to Charleston Tuesday – Friday for work, so Cameron had double duty.  He did everything on his own.  I am so proud of him.  The two of them had  a great time.  Every night when I called to see how things were going, all I could hear was Brynn laughing in the background.  He even taught her how to use her sippy cup.    

This was the first time that I had left Brynn overnight.  I am not sure who it was harder on, me or her.  I was constantly thinking about her and wondering what she was up to.   When I returned she had changed so much.  She seemed taller, older and is looking more and more like her dad.  She was happy to see me upon my return, but reluctant to get too excited.  It was not until the next morning when I went to get her out of her crib that she realized that I was not leaving again.  That is when the excitement set in for her and we spent the entire morning playing and laughing.  My heart melted.      
I am not sure who is goofier, Cameron or Brynn   

Monday, May 2, 2011

8 Months Old

I am amazed at what this little girl can do and learn so quickly.  She is very curious and intrigued by everything.  Brynn loves to be in the middle of all of the action and involved in every conversation.  She is very observant and it shows.  However, there is one thing that she just does not seem interested in -- CRAWLING.  Right now she is perfectly content with rolling to everywhere she needs/wants to go.  She is more frustrated with the fact that she is not quite strong enough to pull herself up to sit, than crawling.

At the pool

She loves:
·         Table food
·         Feeding herself
·         Swimming
·         Swinging at the park
·         To laugh
She is working on:
·         Pulling herself up to sit
·         Getting more teeth
·         Drinking out of a sippy cup

Too funny