Halloween just must not be our holiday. For all the effort I put into it, it sure seems to disappoint. For days leading up to Halloween, Brynn would not try her costume on. I was actually very worried we were never going to get it on her. But come to find out after hours of negotiations that “Mommy, I am waiting for my friends to put their costumes on. Charlie’s going to be a monkey.” And of course like clockwork, once Brynn got to school she wore her costume until naptime. She went as an owl and even insisted that the wings stay on the entire time. That little girl cracks me up! It is her way, on her time frame.
Getting Ready for the Pumpkin Patch. |
While at school, they did a variety of Halloween activities and even had their very own toddler size pumpkin patch. They got pushed around in wagons, decorated pumpkins, and built a scarecrow. Later in the day, the school hosted a Harvest Party with bounce houses, games, candy, and food. Brynn had a blast, but the event was really geared towards slightly older kids so we headed home to go trick or treating. By the time we got home and grabbed a quick bite to eat, Brynn was exhausted. She did not want her costume back on and only wanted to be pushed in her stroller. We headed downtown to see the festivities and Brynn was half asleep. So once again no trick or treating.
Harvest Party |
· Halloween 2010 – Brynn was a newborn and slept through the entire thing. Daddy had her in a Baby Bjorn and strangers thought Brynn was part of a costume from the movie The Hangover.
· Halloween 2011 – Brynn was running a high fever so we did not leave the house.
· Halloween 2012 – Brynn helped carve pumpkins for 3 minutes while Mom sat there for hours. We went Trick or Napping instead of Trick or Treating around the neighborhood.
· Halloween 2013 – TBD – but I am keeping my expectations pretty low.
Mom's hard work. |