Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Away for Too Long

Cameron and I were able to get away for a much needed 3-day weekend to go skiing with family and friends.  I was a little nervous going into the weekend, as I had not gone skiing since high school.  Luckily everything my first-and-only ski instructor, Noelle, had taught me came back quickly.  I loved being on the mountain.  The views were amazing, the weather was perfect, and it was great to get away.  We missed Brynn terribly but she was in good hands.  Grandma Woodward, Ashley and the Schaible’s all jumped at the chance to spend some time with our little munchkin while we were gone.

Unfortunately for me, I had to head straight from Colorado to Florida for work and was away from Brynn for an additional 5 days.  Cameron, with help from Great Grandma Donna (what a great replacement), held down the fort while I was gone.  Being away for a whole week was just way too long.  Technology is amazing while you are away as I got to talk and Skype with Brynn every day -which I loved, but confused her.  I think Brynn had trouble understanding why she could hear my voice and see my picture on the computer screen but I would not come home.  By the third day (while in Colorado) she had already been asking for me and listening for car doors outside thinking we would be home soon. 
I will say, the best part about being away for a few days was the warm welcome when I got home.  The second Brynn saw me she ran over and gave me a HUGE hug and would not let go.  She just kept saying Ma-Ma and was attached to my hip for the next few days just making sure I was not going anywhere.  Thank you to everyone who helped out while I was gone.  It is great to know that Brynn is loved by so many.     

Time with Great Grandma

Two Peas in a Pod

18 Months Old

Life at our house does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon.  Not because our calendar is full but because Brynn has turned into a “Busy Bee”.  She is always on the GO-GO-GO.  One minute she is coloring, the next minute she is carrying on a conversation with her stuffed animals, and next she is running around in circles being a goof-ball.  She has become a little dare devil and wants to do everything she sees older kids doing.  She has absolutely no fear when jumping off the chair or trying to tackle the ottoman.  I know I have said this before but we might have a little tom boy on our hands. 

Happy Valentine's Day!

She loves:
·         Cucumbers
·         Being Outside
·         Music and dancing
·         Books
She is working on:
·         Her colors
·         More animal noises
·         Getting in her last couple of teeth

Look at my muscles.

Catch me if you can!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mornings with Dad

I can only imagine the things that go on in the morning when Cameron and Brynn are getting ready for the day.  That is apparent by the lovely outfit (PJs) you see Brynn wearing to daycare on this particular morning.  Here is a clip Cameron sent me from their time together this morning.  To be completely honest, I am so jealous that he gets this time with her no matter what crazy outfit she is in for the day.