One grueling hot Sunday we ventured to the fair to see what it had to offer. We were in luck, the first exhibit as we walked in the door was a petting zoo. YEAH…. Brynn is going to love this I thought. Boy was I wrong. The petting zoo was a disaster. There were tons of people and animals 3x and 4x her size everywhere. The animals were coming after me since I had the cup of grain to feed them. Brynn immediately was climbing up Cameron’s leg. I am not going to lie; I was a little freaked out myself. I put on a brave face for Brynn and started petting and feeding the animals in hopes she would start to enjoy the petting zoo. It was a great attempt by us all (Cameron, Ashley and myself), but Brynn just did not want to be put down. I don’t blame her, it was utter chaos in there. After about 2 minutes in the petting zoo, it was time to move on.
Next we bumped into some kiddie rides. Perfect. We can redeem ourselves. Brynn was excited and ready to ride. WAIT… she’s not tall enough. What a bust. Last but certainly not least we checked out the barnyard. What a hit. Brynn ran from stall to stall checking out the different animals. First it was the chickens, then the cows, back to the chickens, and then onto the baby pigs. The grand finale was a pony ride that I was shocked she even went on. She could barely contain herself as we were waiting in line to get on the pony. She was jumping up and down and continuously trying to give the attendant here coin in hopes she could get on. Finally it was her turn. The first pony pulls up (the tallest one) Brynn wants to get on but is a little hesitant so we let a bigger kid take that pony. The second pony pulls up, this one is much smaller and Brynn gets excited again. The attendant straps her in to the saddle and to my surprise she was sitting up there like a big girl. Then she feels the jolt of the pony taking off and trying to catch the pony in front of him – of course we get the small pushy pony - the fear returns but Brynn does not cry. By the end she was happy and did not want to get off. Actually she wanted to ride again but I was too cheap. We called it a day after playing a quick carnival game and tasting some nasty fair food. I think we can wait another year before experiencing the fair again.
Look over there Daddy! |
I'm not too sure about this. |
Moo! |