Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Family Fun

After a crazy September we were lucky enough to have fun come to us this past week.  Cameron’s brother and his entire family came to visit.  It worked out great.  They took a couple of days to hit up Disneyland and the beach while we worked and Brynn went to school.  And then we had a few days of countless hours in the swimming pool, walking the beach path, and we even went to a petting zoo.  Brynn was exhausted at the end of every day from all of the running, jumping, laughing, and trying to keep up with her older cousins.   Brynn had a ball and asks about Unkie Cody, Audie and her cousins every day.  Those precious moments are too few and far between but it does make me excited for our visitors around Thanksgiving and for our trip home at Christmas time.

Train ride.

Feeding the animals.

Pony rides.

Picture Perfect

I got Brynn’s photos taken to commemorate her 2nd birthday back in August.  I was amazed at how grown up she is now. 

1 Year Old


2 Years Old

She has changed so much.  She is now walking, running, talking, singing, counting, and learning her alphabet.  Versus one year ago when she was only crawling, laughing, and trying to talk.  However, something’s don’t change (like her cute little dimples).  She still loves her vegetables, being outside, swimming, and puppy dogs.  Enjoy a few of my favorite photos.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Crazy September

All of September is one big blur – we had something going on every weekend and most week nights.  After someone politely commented that the blog had become stale, I realized that I had not put up any updates since Brynn’s birthday.  My first thought was – Bad Mom, what have we even been up to?  So I quickly ran to my camera and realized the craziness that had just taken place over the past month.  It was a great four weeks, but “MAN” are we tired.  Here are a few of the things we have been up to. 
Brynn moved up to Miss Lindsey class
Miss Lindsey, Bella and Brynn

Tickle, Tickle
Kinley came to visit
Beach babes!

We spent a day at the aquarium
Can I touch it?

I see it!


Tasted chocolate and wanted to sing Happy Birthday Brynn with candles again…
What are you letting me do?
