Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween

To my surprise Brynn kept her costume on the entire night.  At first she was trying to pull the hood off to look at it.  After awhile she forgot it was there and would poke at the stuffing and pull on the tail.  She knew how cute she was and was being a little ham.  During the weeks leading up to Halloween we tried to teach her how to say “Moo” but still to this day she just giggles when we say it.     


Pumpkin Patch

We took Brynn to the pumpkin patch again this year.  This year was much better than last.  She still did not fully understand what was going on but loved to see all of the people and activities taking place.  The petting zoo was her favorite, except for when one of the sheep kept following her around.  The train she enjoyed but she enjoyed saying “Choo Choo” more.  The poor thing has been teething so badly lately that we did not stay long at the pumpkin patch.  You could just see it in her eyes how much pain she was in.  However, she was a trooper and kept smiling the whole time.   

What are these big orange things?

Look at the bunnies

What's kind of animal is that?