Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Liam - So what  you doing?

Burke - Standing next to you.

Liam - Awesome, sounds fun.

Burke 18 Months

After battling a cold and a couple of ear infections, Burke is on the mend and doing well.  When he feels well he behaves and is a much better listener.  It is crazy how much toddlers change in just a month or a couple of weeks.  Burke is becoming a little boyL.  He is much more independent and will sit and play with his farm or Legos for a whole 15 minutes.  He has figured out the locks on the front and screen doors – watch out neighbors.  And his vocabulary is growing so quickly.  With all of this though the tantrums have started and he has perfected them to get what he wants. 

  • Weight - 27 lbs 11.4 oz (85th percentile)
  • Height - 34 inches (85th percentile)
  • Head Circumference - 48 cm (70th percentile)

Burke Loves:
  • Anything his sister has
  • Being outside
  • Playing hide and go seek
  • Airplanes and Motorcylces
Burke Hates: 
  • Vegetables
  • Not being included

Burke is Working On:
  • Getting his incisor teeth
  • More words
  • Moving up to the next class
  • Tackling his sister

July 4th, 2015

July 4th is one of our favorite holidays in Huntington Beach.  We are really going to miss it when we move into our new house.  We have the same routine every year, with a few tweaks here and there. 

It all starts the day before when we have to stake out our spot along the parade route.  This year the 4th was on a Saturday so everyone was out getting a spot –  we lost our usual spot to some other parade goers.  But all worked out and we had a great spot for all of us to enjoy the parade. 

Fascinated by the music and horses.

Parade fun!!

Firetrucks are cool!


From the parade we go to the pool for fun in the sun – with a little BBQ for dinner. 

Just relaxing!

We cap the night off with a walk to the beach to watch the fireworks.  By then the house is a mess, everyone is exhausted and we all head to bed.  What a perfect day!! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Summer Vacation

The kids and I spent a week back in South Dakota at the end of July.  We had a wonderful week and Cameron was able to join us for a few days.  The week flew by.  Every day was jammed packed full of activities, visits with friends and family, and fun in the sun.  My kids just love all of the new and exciting things they get to do while back in South Dakota.  This trip they were particularly fond of running through the sprinklers, playing with their cousins and, as always, lighting fireworks.

The first part of the week was spent with my mom.  We spent as much time outside as possible.  My mother has some new neighbors with kids the same age as Brynn and Burke.  Every morning the kids would wake up and be so anxious to get outside to see what the other kids were up to.  We spent as much time as we could with my grandmother, ran through sprinklers, and lit fireworks.  We spent an afternoon at my aunt Joane’s house feeding fish, smelling the flowers, and trying not to have one of the kids fall in the pond.  I was also able to catch up with a few of my girlfriends and their families at a park one evening.

Twirling in Smoke Balls

Games Outside

At the pnd

Water Fun



The second part of the week was spent with Cameron’s family in Yankton.  It just so happened that Cameron’s nephew Aiden had a baseball tournament in Yankton and we had a wedding all of the same day.  So all of the parents’ and siblings loaded up and headed to Yankton for a fun filled weekend.  A few of Cameron’s aunts and grandmother also made the trek to hang out with all of us.  We spent one day along the river playing in the water and the second day cheering on Aiden and his baseball team.  Aiden even got MVP one of the games.  We were all so proud.    

What a great vacation!!  We can’t wait to do it again!

Cheering on Aiden


Fun in Yankton!