Monday, January 31, 2011

On the Move and In the Middle of All the Action

Just like her father, Brynn likes to be on the move and surrounded by people.  This weekend was no exception.  She demanded to be involved in moving Ashley into her new apartment.  I had to put Brynn in her carrier so she could be along for the ride.  At one point she fell asleep in the carrier and once she realized she was not in on all the action she was not happy.  So back in the carrier she went, where she contently took a nap while we helped move.  What a silly girl.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

5 Months Old

Brynn turned 5 months old today.  During the past month Brynn has: found her feet and now loves to play and suck on them, is eating and enjoying vegetables mixed in with her oatmeal, is rolling over more and more everyday, caught her first cold, and got her first boo boo.  Our little girl is growing up so quickly.

 Look everyone I am 5 months old!!
She loves:
·        Going for walks and the outdoors
·        Bath time
·        Sophie the Giraffe
·        To give hugs
·        Her toes

She is working on:
  • Sitting up
  • Holding her own bottle
  • Getting teeth 

    I love to hear myself talk.
    Look I can sit like a Big Girl!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

First Boo Boo

Over the weekend Brynn had her first boo boo.  It does not look as bad in the picture, but in person it looks like she cut her nose with a razor blade.  There was blood and everything. 

Luckily the cut happened while Daddy was playing with her.  I am not sure if I could have handled her crying as calmly as Cameron did.  The poor thing was not happy and did not know what was going on.  The cut must have taken a lot out of her, as she took an extra long nap afterwards.     

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Captain's Chair

For those of you who have ever been around Brynn when the sun is shining you know how much she loves to be outdoors.  The wind and rain have finally subsided here in Southern California along with a bad cold that Brynn caught on the airplane on our way back from South Dakota -- So it was time to hit the beach! 

Not too sure about the sand.

Beautiful sunset.
With the sun shining this past weekend and temperatures up around 80, Brynn was very excited to cruise the streets in her new Captain's chair.  She has finally outgrown her bassinet stroller attachment.  Brynn's cadillac has now been upgraded to the “big girl” chair, which makes her very happy as she can now sit up and watch all of the people as we go for a stroll.  The captain's chair is a little big, but nothing a little blanket can't fix.  With her recent upgrade, Brynn is now demanding a two walk minimum per day.      

Enjoying all the people.

Friday, January 7, 2011

4 Months Old

On December 27, 2010, Brynn turned 4 months old (I know - I am a little late).  Since her last monthly update Brynn has gained one pound but has not gotten any taller.  She is very observant and loves to try and sit up like a big girl.  She still loves her play mat but is starting to enjoy her “bounce bounce” more and more every day.  Sophie the giraffe is her friend and is never too far from her side.    

She is now in daycare and is doing great.  I think she loves being around all the kids and just watching and learning from what they are doing.  There are some weekends where I can tell she is getting bored with me and wants more activity.  It is during those times that I feel like she is staring at me trying to say “Hey Mom- Entertain me.  Do a dance or something.”

We have also started to introduce Brynn to eating solid food from a spoon.  So far she has only had rice cereal and oatmeal.  She still is not too sure about solids.  We can only get her to eat from a spoon while sitting in her tub taking a bath.  I guess you have to do what you have to do, right?  So we continue to try and get her to eat while sitting in her chair, but after two bites she is over it.  This little girl has a mind of her own at four months. 

Happy 4 Month Birthday Brynn!!!   

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Merry Christmas…

We left rainy Southern California on Christmas Eve to have a white Christmas in South Dakota.  It was a very quick trip as we flew in on that Friday and left the following Monday.  Brynn handled the cold weather much better over Christmas than she did over Thanksgiving.  The trip was packed with family events as we tried to see as many people as possible. 

Christmas this year made me reflect on how blessed we all are to have the family and friends we have.  And despite how I am sometimes reluctant to attend all of the Holiday gatherings that seem to pop up, I need to remember that they are hosted out of love.  And it does not matter if there are 5 or 50 people in the room, that that love is contagious and brings joy to everyone and is what makes family and friends so special.  Cameron and I have been blessed to have the love and support of family and friends over the years.  And as parents we want Brynn to be brought up in that same environment.  Those numerous Holiday gatherings help show her, even at a very young age, how important family and friends are and how lucky we are to have them.   

… and a Happy New Year

We started 2010 with great excitement and nervousness as we anticipated the arrival of Brynn.  We spent the good part of the year preparing for her arrival.  We (or should I say I) researched various baby items, read numerous books, organized our entire home twice, and took every baby class offered.  Unfortunately all of that preparation was thrown out the window once Brynn was born as I realized nothing will ever go according to plan again.

The final four months of the year went by with a blink of an eye.  Every day we were witnessing a “First” for Brynn and loving every moment.  It is now that I wish I would have documented more of those days as she continues to grow and change every day.

2011 will be a year of numerous “Firsts” for Brynn, Cameron and I.  My New Year’s Resolution for 2011 is to take one day at a time and to cherish these “Firsts”.  In the grand scheme of things, work, a clean house, the gym and numerous other activities just are not important.  I need to make time for my family and be there to watch Brynn develop into the sweet little girl that she is. 

From our family to yours…. Happy New Year!!!